Synthetic Fragrance Interference

Synthetic Fragrance Interference

Have you noticed synthetic fragrances are everywhere? Even outside!

Today, most people wear clothes washed with detergents containing toxic synthetic fragrances. Add in hair products, perfumes, deodorants, and body sprays, and these synthetic scents are everywhere, masking our natural scent. Why does this matter? Our natural scent is key to drawing the right relationships to us. Driven by pheromones, it’s a subtle communication system that influences whom we find attractive and who finds us appealing.

Our natural scent can even shift with our emotions and hormones. When we’re calm and happy, we might emit a more attractive scent than when we’re stressed. Others can unconsciously pick up on these changes, which helps draw the right people who feel comfortable and connected to us.

Essential oils, by contrast, blend with our natural skin chemistry, creating a unique scent for each person. They also can also be calming, uplifting, and help reduce stress.:) Lightly applied, they allow our natural scent to shine through, enhancing it with a personal fragrance.

Could all these synthetic scents be getting in the way of us having REAL healthy connections?

Wellness and Love,


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