Who is salonsolids

To my family,
That's you reading this! Whether you've been here since the beginning or just found salonsolids today it's important you know that you're considered family. Thought it was a good time to create a post to briefly reintroduce who salonsolids is, why salonsolids was created, and how it's evolved to today. In a paragraph. ;)
Salonsolids was founded in 2013. Birthed from a caring stylist, with a life time of experience in hair care, who became aware of the unhealthy chemicals that were in hair products and the unnecessary plastic waste that they were creating. Did you know that hair products are mostly made up of water like us? The difference is, our vessels are intended to last us a life time. This awakening sparked the beginning of a dive down the rabbit hole, so to speak, to analyzing every ingredient listed on every one of those plastic bottles. This became a bit of an obsession. "Sulfate Free" was trending at the time and what was discovered in researching this further was that the chemical surfactants that were replacing it were equally unhealthy. That instigated what's turned into quite a long journey for truly healthy hair cleansing ingredients. While this seemed a simple enough task, to clean up the ingredients, satisfaction became an inner battle when it seemed pure and effective ingredients were not readily available. An interest in Ayurveda, a natural system of holistic care developed in India, was sparked when Shikakai, which literally means "fruit for the hair", was discovered. The pureness of cleansing with a plant seemed the ultimate in "clean" hair care however it was rather messy and still lacked the "salon quality" product results being sought(left hair staticky). The seed was planted that we should have an option this pure, that could be more user friendly, effective, and be delivered in plastic free packaging(the innovation). Salonsolids shampoo began its life journey. Constantly evolving as any healthy living thing should be doing right?! The conditioner has been a different kind of challenge as awareness that every hair conditioner that could be found contained petrochemically derived ingredients, and the ones that claimed plant based were palm derived, which is a different "not ok" topic that deserves it's own post. Now for the styler. Styling products are chalked full of plastics so creating a plant based alternative that could compete and out beat was the goal. We're pretty happy about the results and think you will be too.
There's SO much that's been learned a long the way and educating you, our conscious community, is the greatest part of salonsolids mission and purpose.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for caring to co-create conscious beauty in this seemingly disconnected world. Together we will re-discover the connections. The respect you have for nature is a projection of you.
Love and wellness,